Cultivation tips

Cultivation of Hoya and other plants and cuttings

Care of your newly purchased cuttings and plants of Hoya and other plants.

Cultivation of Hoya:

Hoyas thrive in loose porous soilmixture. Ordinary store bought soil is too compact, even the one where there is small leca aggregates in it. Make your own soil from, for example, plant soil, sphagnum and/or coir, mixed with small leca aggregates and/or perlite. The mixture should be loose and porous and permeable but at the same time be able to keep moisture.

Most Hoyas can withstand drying up between watering and is easy to manage and are quite tough. Some thinleaved Hoyas wants more regular watering and don´t want to dry for too long. No Hoya wants to be wet for too long, especially during winter when it is colder and darker. You may want to cut back on watering during this period.

Most Hoyas thrive in semi shade or a light place. However, not many Hoyas wants full sun all day. Many Hoyas like it in a shaded window but they don´t bloom very well there. You can grow Hoyas there for the beautiful foliage.

Taking care of newly arrived succulents.

Succulents are planted or rooted in permeable soilmixture. Put them in a shady place. Unrooted succulents are sparsely watered during its rooting period. If it is required, special advices for each succulent are found in the shop under products.